Advancing safety and security
in public bus networks
“The SAFE BUS project wants to advance safety in bus networks and support the prevention of attacks on the bus network. The project will bring around the table special security services and the public transport sector and introduce new training initiatives for both managers and bus drivers, making sure that all transport providers have access to knowledge about transport safety and emergency procedures.”
“SAFE BUS brings together public transport and security services”
Public bus transport systems are becoming more and more vulnerable to various threats and risks of terrorist attacks. The general objective of SAFE BUS is to advance safety and security in public bus networks by bringing around the table special security services and the public transport sector, making sure that all transport providers have access to knowledge about transport safety and emergency procedures. The project will introduce new training initiatives on the security of public bus transportation systems for both managers and bus drivers, enrich safety procedures and implement ready to use recommended solutions.
Furthermore, SAFE BUS will contribute to creating joint concepts in the field of security and harmonised standards for public spaces management for European Union countries.
Contribute to strengthening awareness raising activities on safety and security by introducing new training initiatives non the security of public bus transportation systems.
Enriching safety procedures and implementation of ready to use recommended solutions.
Strengthening cooperation between special services and public transport providers.
Identification and enrichment of existing knowledge about the public transport safety system.
Creation of conditions where all transport providers have access to knowledge about transport safety and emergency procedures.
Promotion and implementation of best practices in a wide range of EU countries.
The implementation of ready-to-use e-learning courses.
Duration: December 2021 – November 2023 (24 months)
Budget: €600.000
Coordinator: UITP (the International Association of Public Transport)
Partners: The SAFE BUS consortium consists of 5 partners
SAFE BUS will develop and promote various trainings and learning material on the topic of safety and security in bus networks. Once available, you will find on this page (among others):
Arriva is the leading pan-European public transport operator with operations in 14 European countries, employing more than 46,000 people. We work with Governments, Passenger Transport Authorities and others to provide public transport solutions that are safe, connect communities, protect the environment and make a positive impact on society.
Safety is the heart of everything we do. We do this by demonstrating positive safety leadership, engaging our employees to improve safety performance, and sharing and implementing best practice across Europe.
Atac S.p.A. - Rome’s municipal utility for public transport services - is Italy’s leading urban mobility operator and one of the largest Local Public Transport companies in Europe.
Atac manages all kinds of collective mobility within the metropolitan area of Roma Capitale: surface vehicles, metro lines and railways, up to the administration of park & ride areas and on-street metered parking spaces.
CARRIS is the Municipal company responsible for surface public transport in the City of Lisbon. It was established in 1872 and since then operated trams, buses, funiculars and elevators. It has currently a fleet exceeding 700 buses, 50 trams and a 2.500 staff. It transports approximately 140 million passengers per year.
CARRIS has vast experience in innovation, being a partner in several European projects. Amongst others CARRIS is working in Horizon 2020 projects TRIPS and TANGENT, Urban Innovative Actions project VoxPop, Urban Mobility Knowledge Innovation Community activities eULTIMATE and MultiDepart and in two large scale Connecting Europe Facility initiatives (C-STREETS and MOBIL-T).
UITP (Union Internationale des Transports Publics) is the International Association of Public Transport and a passionate champion of sustainable urban mobility. Established in 1885, with more than 135 years of history, it is the only worldwide network to bring together all public transport stakeholders and all sustainable transport modes.
The Public Transport Authority in Warsaw (Zarząd Transportu Miejskiego w Warszawie, ZTM), a member of the European Metropolitan Transport Authorities (EMTA) and the International Association of Public Transport (UITP).
ZTM manages and supervises public transport in Warsaw urban complex providing transport to two million citizens of the Warsaw metropolitan area as well as of the 33 neighboring communes. Every day, passengers take over 3 million public transport trips using buses, trams, metro, and railways.
Public Transport Authority came into being on the 1st of January 1992 by virtue of the resolution of the Council of the Capital City of Warsaw.
You can find here various SAFE BUS resources, once available.
Advancing safety and security
in public bus networks
“The SAFE BUS project wants to advance safety in bus networks and support the prevention of attacks on the bus network. The project will bring around the table special security services and the public transport sector and introduce new training initiatives for both managers and bus drivers, making sure that all transport providers have access to knowledge about transport safety and emergency procedures.”
“SAFE BUS brings together public transport and security services”
Public bus transport systems are becoming more and more vulnerable to various threats and risks of terrorist attacks. The general objective of SAFE BUS is to advance safety and security in public bus networks by bringing around the table special security services and the public transport sector, making sure that all transport providers have access to knowledge about transport safety and emergency procedures. The project will introduce new training initiatives on the security of public bus transportation systems for both managers and bus drivers, enrich safety procedures and implement ready to use recommended solutions.
Furthermore, SAFE BUS will contribute to creating joint concepts in the field of security and harmonised standards for public spaces management for European Union countries.
Contribute to strengthening awareness raising activities on safety and security by introducing new training initiatives non the security of public bus transportation systems.
Enriching safety procedures and implementation of ready to use recommended solutions.
Strengthening cooperation between special services and public transport providers.
Identification and enrichment of existing knowledge about the public transport safety system.
Creation of conditions where all transport providers have access to knowledge about transport safety and emergency procedures.
Promotion and implementation of best practices in a wide range of EU countries.
The implementation of ready-to-use e-learning courses.
Duration: December 2021 – November 2023 (24 months)
Budget: €600.000
Coordinator: UITP (the International Association of Public Transport)
Partners: The SAFE BUS consortium consists of 5 partners
SAFE BUS will develop and promote various trainings and learning material on the topic of safety and security in bus networks. Once available, you will find on this page (among others):
Arriva is the leading pan-European public transport operator with operations in 14 European countries, employing more than 46,000 people. We work with Governments, Passenger Transport Authorities and others to provide public transport solutions that are safe, connect communities, protect the environment and make a positive impact on society.
Safety is the heart of everything we do. We do this by demonstrating positive safety leadership, engaging our employees to improve safety performance, and sharing and implementing best practice across Europe.
Atac S.p.A. - Rome’s municipal utility for public transport services - is Italy’s leading urban mobility operator and one of the largest Local Public Transport companies in Europe.
Atac manages all kinds of collective mobility within the metropolitan area of Roma Capitale: surface vehicles, metro lines and railways, up to the administration of park & ride areas and on-street metered parking spaces.
CARRIS is the Municipal company responsible for surface public transport in the City of Lisbon. It was established in 1872 and since then operated trams, buses, funiculars and elevators. It has currently a fleet exceeding 700 buses, 50 trams and a 2.500 staff. It transports approximately 140 million passengers per year.
CARRIS has vast experience in innovation, being a partner in several European projects. Amongst others CARRIS is working in Horizon 2020 projects TRIPS and TANGENT, Urban Innovative Actions project VoxPop, Urban Mobility Knowledge Innovation Community activities eULTIMATE and MultiDepart and in two large scale Connecting Europe Facility initiatives (C-STREETS and MOBIL-T).
UITP (Union Internationale des Transports Publics) is the International Association of Public Transport and a passionate champion of sustainable urban mobility. Established in 1885, with more than 135 years of history, it is the only worldwide network to bring together all public transport stakeholders and all sustainable transport modes.
The Public Transport Authority in Warsaw (Zarząd Transportu Miejskiego w Warszawie, ZTM), a member of the European Metropolitan Transport Authorities (EMTA) and the International Association of Public Transport (UITP).
ZTM manages and supervises public transport in Warsaw urban complex providing transport to two million citizens of the Warsaw metropolitan area as well as of the 33 neighboring communes. Every day, passengers take over 3 million public transport trips using buses, trams, metro, and railways.
Public Transport Authority came into being on the 1st of January 1992 by virtue of the resolution of the Council of the Capital City of Warsaw.
You can find here various SAFE BUS resources, once available.
Questions or feedback? We’d love to hear from you!
Please contact Project Manager Carmela Canonico
Rue Sainte-Marie 6,
B-1080 Brussels, Belgium
This project was funded by the European Union’s Internal Security Fund – Police, under the Grant Agreement No. 101034233